Monday, December 9, 2013

1 Week Unit Plan- Imagination

Above are the links to the video and documents for my lesson.

Imagination in Theatre
(1-week unit plan)
By: Allie Sundstrom

Lesson Objectives:
The Objective of this lesson is to have the students watch and identify the use of imagination in a clip from Pee-wee’s Playhouse, as well as incorporate the use of their imagination into classroom activities.

Essential Questions:
What is imagination?
How is imagination important in Theatre?
What makes a respectful audience member?


Stage 1: (Day 1)
·      Promethean Board
·      Paper and writing utensils
·      Video clip of Pee-wee’s Playhouse

Stage 2: (Day 1)
·      Imagination 5-square handout
·      Writing utensils

Stage 3: (Day 1)
·      Paper and writing utensils

Stage 4: (Day 2)
·      Notecards
·      Markers, colored pencils, and other writing utensils.
·      Prop bag, filled with random prop options.

Stage 5: (Day 2/3)
·      Promethean Board
·      Paper and writing utensils
·      MadScripts word generator handout
·      MadScripts The Three Little Pigs script
·      Card-determined groups

Stage 6: (Day 3)
·      Student names written on notecards.

Stage 7: (Day 3)
·      Student names written on notecards.


Stage 1:

Warm-up: To begin the class, I will have the students create an admit slip (5-10 Minutes) answering the following Warm-Up question on the Promethean Board.

On Board: “How do you define imagination and how do you identify the use of imagination?”

Next, I will guide a discussion about the Warm-Up. I will ask a couple of students to share what they wrote and have the class respond, respectfully.

Next, I will transition to setting up the Pee-Wee’s Playhouse by telling the students we will be watching a 10 minute clip from the show. I will ask the students to take out a new sheet of paper. I will inform the students that they are expected to write down examples of imagination being used in the show, that they must write down a minimum of three examples, and that I will be collecting the examples at the end of the class, for a grade.

Next, I will play the video for the students:

Stage 2:

After the video, I will explain the imagination 5-square handout to the students:
·      Write in complete sentences.
·      Each group member needs to document their favorite example of use of imagination, from the Pee-Wee's Playhouse clip: Choose one of the three examples you noted.
·      As a group discuss these examples and select one of these options.
·      Document the choice in the center block and explain why your group chose it.

I will have students move their desks into groups of four to work on the handout. I will visit with each group and ask them how the assignment is going and how they are deciding which example the group will be using.

Stage 3:

Next, I will transition into introducing the students to Tableaux.

On the board: Photos of various examples of tableaux, as well as the definition of the term.

Then, I will explain to the students that each group is to create a tableau of the example of imagination, selected by their group.

Groups will have 5 minutes to collaborate and create their tableaux.

Each group will present their tableau to the class.

In the remaining class time, I will lead a discussion about how creating the tableaux went and ask how the use of imagination is integral to creating them.

Stage 4:
Warm-up: To begin the class, I will have the students create a name card. Using markers and colored pencils, they will be expected to legibly write their names, while using their imaginations to design the cards (5-10 Minutes.)

When time is up, I will collect the name cards and shuffle them. I will then explain the Mystery Bag theatre game:
·      To start the game, I will pull 2 cards from the name card stack.
·      Students selected will each chose 1 object from the mystery bag (no peeking into the bag).
·      The two students will then create an improv, using their chosen items as though they are something else. Example: A fake mustache is now a caterpillar or a yo-yo is a measuring tape.
·      At random points in the scene, I will chose a new card from the deck. The new student will chose an item from the bag and will replace the first person to have joined the scene. The new student will change the scene to something different.

The Mystery Bag game will be played for 10-15 minutes.

Stage 5:

Next, I will transition into introducing students to the MadScripts word generator handout:
·      Follow the instructions on the handout and choose words that fit the type of word requested- adverb, adjective, etc.

Students will be sorted into groups by card selection.

Groups will have 10 minutes to complete the handout.

Next, I will explain that I will be handing out the MadScripts The Three Little Pigs script, and that they are to use the words they selected to fill in the blanks of the script. Groups will perform their pieces for the class the next time we meet.

Students will spend the remainder of class creating a performance of the script, using their chosen words. I will visit with each group, asking how they cast the piece and how the process is going. 

At the beginning of the next class, students will be told to get into their groups and rehearse for 10 minutes.

After the rehearsal time is over, students will return to their seats and will become an audience for each group. Groups will present based on a volunteer, then card selection process.

After all groups have performed their pieces, I will lead a discussion about how the use of imagination changes a script and how no two casts will create the same production because of it.

Stage 6:

Next, I will transition into explaining the theatre game, What Are You Doing?
·      Two students are selected using the name cards.
·      Each student will take turns asking the other, “what are you doing?”
·      The student being asked must give an answer that is NOT what they are doing. Example: Student is pantomiming brushing her hair, but answers that she is flying a rocket ship.
·      At random points, I will select another card and the new student will fill in for the student that had been selected first, or had been onstage the longest.


Content Standard #1: Script writing by the creation of improvisations and scripted scenes based on personal experience and heritage, imagination, literature, and history
Achievement Standard: 

a) Students individually and in groups, create characters, environments, and actions that create tension and suspense.
b) Students refine and record dialogue and action.

Content Standard #2: Acting by developing basic acting skills to portray characters who interact in improvised and scripted scenes
Achievement Standard: 

b) Students demonstrate acting skills (such as sensory recall, concentration, breath control, diction, body alignment, control of isolated body parts) to develop characterizations that suggest artistic choices
c) Students in an ensemble, interact as the invented characters

Content Standard #4: Directing by organizing rehearsals for improvised and scripted scenes
Achievement Standard: 

a)     Students lead small groups in planning visual and aural elements and in rehearsing improvised and scripted scenes, demonstrating social, group, and consensus skills.

Content Standard #6: Comparing and incorporating art forms by analyzing methods of presentation and audience response for theatre, dramatic media (such as film, television, and electronic media), and other art forms
Achievement Standard: 
a)     Students describe characteristics and compare the presentation of characters, environments, and actions in theatre, musical theatre, dramatic media, dance, and visual arts
c) Students express and compare personal reactions to several art forms

Content Standard #7: Analyzing, evaluating, and constructing meanings from improvised and scripted scenes and from theatre, film, television, and electronic media productions
Achievement Standard: 

b) Students articulate and support the meanings constructed from their and others' dramatic performances

MADSCRIPT Fill in sheet (Three Little Pigs)

Fill in the following.  Do NOT read the play first.
1) Adjective (describing word):
2) Thing:
3) Another thing different from 2:
4) Another thing different from 3 and 4:
5) Person, thing or animal:
6) Name of town or city:
7) Adjective (describing word):
8) Interjection (single word you yell):
9) Name of town or city different from 6:
10) Adjective (describing word):
11) Interjection (single word you yell):
12) Name of town or city different from 6 and 9:
13) Adjective (describing word):
14) Interjection (single word you yell):
15) Liquid
16) Name of town or city different from 6, 9 and 12


Once upon a time, there were three...
...pigs.   The first pig built his house out of...
The second pig built his house out of...
The third pig built his house out of...
One day a wolf went looking for his...
He thought the three pigs took his...
Those pigs took my...

He went to the first pig's house in...
Welcome to...
The wolf knocked on the door and said...
...pig.  Let me in!
Not by the hair of my chinny, chin, chin. 
The wolf got mad and said...
And he huffed and puffed and blew the house down.   The first pig ran to the second pig's house in...
Welcome to...
The wolf knocked on the door and said...
...pig.  Let me in!
Not by the hair of my chinny, chin, chin. 
The wolf got mad and said...
And he huffed and puffed and blew the house down.   The pigs ran to the third pig's house in...
Welcome to...
The wolf knocked on the door and said...
...pig.  Let me in!
Not by the hair of my chinny, chin, chin. 
The wolf got mad and said...
And he huffed and puffed and huffed and puffed and huffed and pulled... but the house didn't fall down.  The wolf decides to go down the chimney.  The pigs hurried to the fireplace, made a fire and boiled some...
The wolf came down the chimney and fell in the boiling...
...burned his tail and ran all the way home to...

The wolf knocked on the door and said...
...pig.  Let me in!
Not by the hair of my chinny, chin, chin. 
The wolf got mad and said...
And he huffed and puffed and huffed and puffed and huffed and pulled... but the house didn't fall down.  The wolf decides to go down the chimney.  The pigs hurried to the fireplace, made a fire and boiled some...
The wolf came down the chimney and fell in the boiling...
...burned his tail and ran all the way home to...